PNW Field Guides
Created by ABPBC on July 10, 2018
A Field Guide to Edible Fruits and Berries of the Pacific Northwest
If wild berry foragers followed vague advice such as "berries of red and you'll soon be dead" or "berries of blue will do harm to you" imagine how many of nature's delicacies would be passed by! On the other hand, for anyone who has thought twice before popping that delicious-looking morsel into their mouth, the reality of poisonous berries growing in the wild is reason enough to be berry aware.
With a basketful of information presented on a two-sided, lightweight, waterproof and pocket-sized pam …

A Field Guide to Common Fishes of the Pacific Northwest
The waters of the Pacific Northwest are home to some of the most unique and diverse marine creatures in the world, including rockfishes, greenlings and, of course, salmon. This full-colour waterproof brochure is packed with information on seventy-eight "must-have" common fishes of the Pacific Northwest. A Field Guide to Common Fish of the Pacific Northwest provides a succinct rundown on a huge variety of our fishy neighbours, and is an ideal guide for fishermen, divers and anyone interested in t …

A Field Guide to the Identification of Pebbles
Have you ever been walking at the beach and wondered what that pebble or rock is, or do you ever wonder what stories rocks tell? If so, then this is the guide for you. The Field Guide to the Identification of Pebbles , a full colour, waterproof, accordion folded, easy to use guide with over 80 beautiful photographs of pebbles from beaches and rivers. Use the photos to identify over 28 different types of rocks and minerals. A great resource for Earth Science curriculum units in schools, the short …

A Field Guide to Wildlife of the Rocky Mountains
Was that a lynx or a bobcat? A nuthatch or a chickadee?
A Field Guide to Wildlife of the Rocky Mountains is a must have for any visitor to the Rocky Mountain region of British Columbia, Alberta, Montana and Idaho. Featuring over a hundred superb full-colour photos, this waterproof pamphlet provides an essential look at the variety of animals one is most likely to encounter on the area's park trails and roadsides. Information on the size of each animal, as well as the common and Latin names makes …

A Field Guide to Gemstones of the Pacific Northwest
This full-colour, waterproof field guide is your introduction to the beauty and wonder of the gemstones found in the Pacific Northwest, a region famous for its variety and quality of earth treasures.
From purple amethyst, carnelian, chalcedony, black and white onyx and emeralds to sodalite, sapphire and many more valuable stones--discover what lies in the rich geology just below your feet. This convenient brochure will help you to develop a keen eye for spotting gems in the rough and become more …

A Field Guide to Sea Stars of the Pacific Northwest
Sea stars are amongst the most common and conspicuous invertebrates that thrive in the rich waters of the Pacific Northwest, from northern California to southeast Alaska. Worldwide there are more than 2,000 different species, but no other temperate region has a greater variety and abundance of these colourful and often very large echinoderms, which are closely related to sea urchins, sea cucumbers, brittle stars and feather stars. An underwater photographer, journalist and naturalist with over 4 …

A Field Guide to Medicinal Wild Plants of Canada
Nature heals! This compact waterproof field guide introduces readers to 26 common Canadian wild plants with extraordinary healing properties. Use arnica blossoms to heal muscle inflammation, improve digestion with chickweed and soothe a toothache with yarrow root--learning to identify and use wild medicinal plants is both fascinating and useful.
Each plant profile includes a colour photograph, identification and habitat information, as well as medicinal, cosmetic and culinary uses. Skilled herbal …

A Field Guide to Gold, Gemstones and Minerals Vol 1
Vancouver Island is an excellent place to hunt for unusual minerals, gems, semi-precious stones, fossils and gold. With its unique geological environment it is one of the finest locations for rockhounding in Western Canada. Featuring detailed maps ranging from Victoria through the Chemainus Valley and up to Port Hardy, A Field Guide to Gold, Gemstone & Mineral Sites of British Columbia, Vol. 1 covers more than 100 sites on Vancouver Island and adjacent islands.
These field guides are essential eq …