PNW Field Guides
Created by ABPBC on July 10, 2018
A Field Guide to Coastal Flowers of the Pacific Northwest
With gorgeous full-colour photos arranged in an easy-to-use colour coded chart for quick identification, the pocket-sized, waterproof format is perfect for taking along on walks and hikes through both the Pacific Northwest countryside as well as the urban wilds of West Coast cities. Supplying English and Latin names, the distribution range of each species and average plant height and flower size, Phillipa Hudson shares her knowledge of coast flora gained through over 30 years as an active amateu …

A Field Guide to Alpine Flowers of the Pacific Northwest
This waterproof, portable 8-fold guide is the perfect companion to Phillipa Hudson's easy-to-use Coastal Flowers of the Pacific Northwest, and features 112 spectacular photos of flowers found from the mid to alpine elevations on Vancouver Island and the Coast Mountains of the Pacific Northwest. Organized into a two-sided colour coded chart with a ruler printed on the back cover, this handy guide will aid in the quick identification of almost any flower one is likely to encounter in the higher re …

A Field Guide to Foraging for Wild Greens and Flowers
A Field Guide to Foraging for Wild Greens and Flowers pinpoints easy-to-find greens and flowers that many don't realize are edible--such as dandelion, clover, chicory, sheep's sorrel and lamb's quarters--and also introduces readers to the delicious leaves of such native plants as goldenrod and fireweed. And readers can also eat their way to conservation by enjoying edible invasive plants in salads, like garlic mustard and fennel. A lightweight pamphlet that will easily fit into a purse or back p …

A Field Guide to Insects of the Pacific Northwest
Insects are all around us, from the butterflies in our gardens to the mosquitoes in the woods. About 80 percent of the 1.5 million named species of animals on earth are insects. Without flower-loving bees, wasps, flies and beetles, most crops and wild plants would not be pollinated and would disappear.
But insect diversity is largely invisible because most insects are small and difficult to recognize and identify. They are often easy to ignore.
A Field Guide to Insects of the Pacific Northwest is …

A Field Guide to Nudibranchs of the Pacific Northwest
Sometimes called the most colourful creatures on earth,
nudibranchs are a type of shell-less marine snail that capture the attention of scuba divers, snorkelers and tidepool-gazers with their bizarre, ornate body forms and incandescent colouration.
There are over 3,000 species worldwide and some of the most spectacular specimens are native to the temperate waters of the Pacific Northwest. A diver of many years' experience, Rick Harbo presents a brilliant guide to the most notable specimens found …

A Field Guide to Trees of the Pacific Northwest
This waterproof guide features twenty-six native trees commonly found from Alaska to Oregon, providing common and Latin names accompanied by colour photographs of identifying features such as bark, leaves or needles, flowers, cones, seeds and fruit. Information on identification, range and an illustration of each tree's silhouette make it a snap to distinguish a shore pine from a western white pine or a trembling aspen from a paper birch. Also included are traditional uses and other interesting …

A Field Guide to Seaweeds of the Pacific Northwest
Rich in nutrients, used in products from cosmetics to explosives to fertilizers, and vital to our coastal marine ecosystems, seaweeds can be found on any rocky shore or beach in the Pacific Northwest. The waterproof, pocket-sized Field Guide to Seaweeds of the Pacific Northwest is packed with full-colour photos and information on a select variety of the most important and interesting seaweeds commonly encountered on the West Coast. Whether you want to identify seaweeds, better understand their r …

A Field Guide to Birds of the Pacific Northwest
Do you know a tanager from a towhee? A goatsucker from a grosbeak? Here, after much demand, is a waterproof, portable 8-fold guide featuring 112 photos of the common birds found in coastal areas of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska. Each species is labelled with common name, size, distribution range and favoured habitat. This full-colour pamphlet is useful to anyone who has an interest in taking up birdwatching, or just wants to figure out what's flitting about the birdfeeder.
Tony …