9781550175097_cover Enlarge Cover
5 of 5
2 ratings
list price: $7.95
category: Nature
published: Feb 2011
publisher: Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd.

A Field Guide to Gemstones of the Pacific Northwest

by Rick Hudson

tagged: reference, rocks & minerals

This full-colour, waterproof field guide is your introduction to the beauty and wonder of the gemstones found in the Pacific Northwest, a region famous for its variety and quality of earth treasures.

From purple amethyst, carnelian, chalcedony, black and white onyx and emeralds to sodalite, sapphire and many more valuable stones--discover what lies in the rich geology just below your feet. This convenient brochure will help you to develop a keen eye for spotting gems in the rough and become more knowledgeable about local gemstones that are the equal of any in the world.

About the Author

Rick Hudson, Ph.D., is a passionate outdoorsman and rockhound who has spent more than two decades exploring Southern British Columbia. The former editor of the Western Canadian Gemstone Newsletter and assistant editor of British Columbia Rockhound Magazine, he now frequently writes about wilderness adventures for various publications including the Globe and Mail, Island Explorer and Rock and Gem Magazine. He is also the author of Gold, Gemstone & Mineral Sites of British Columbia: Volume I, Vancouver Island.

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Association of Book Publishers of BC
Librarian review

A Field Guide to Gemstones of the Pacific Northwest

This pocket guide in a laminated fold-out format unearths the gorgeous gemstones hidden beneath our feet. Pink rhodonite can be discovered on Vancouver Island mountains, Saltspring Island, Keremeos and Bella Coola. Opals abound near Vernon. The rare blue dumortierite is found near Port Hardy and quartz clusters reside in the Chilliwack mountains. Rocky Mountain jaspers come in shocking combinations of green, orange, yellow and blue. Photographs of gemstones in their rough and polished states are surrounded by information about each stone. We learn about its location, extraction, properties and uses, as well as other quirky facts. We discover that garnet comes from the Latin word for seed —granum— because garnet stones resemble pomegranate seeds. And that Queen Alexandra had 100 tons of sodalite shipped to England in 1901.

Source: The Association of Book Publishers of BC. BC Books for BC Schools. 2011-2012.

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