Top Grade: K-8 Selections, Fall 2019
Created by Top Grade on September 19, 2019
Under Our Clothes
This illustrated nonfiction picture book by child psychologist Dr. Jillian Roberts introduces children to the topics of bodies, body safety and body image through a conversation-based story that begins with an observation at the community pool.
Modesty, privacy and boundaries are discussed, along with how self-image is formed and how some people are more sensitive than others—sometimes at different stages in their lives. Relevant themes around body shaming, body positivity and self-esteem build …

Commander Gander Goes to Come From Away
Commander Gander loves his job with the town of Gander. He gets to help out with holidays and community events—especially with children! When dozens of planes arrive unexpectedly in his town with thousands of passengers, the Commander goes the extra mile to help out. He does everything he can to comfort and entertain hundreds of kids. Now, as a reward for his hard work, Commander Gander travels to New York City to see a very special musical called Come From Away. It turns out to be an incredib …

Saku's Great Newfoundland Adventure
Saku, a black Cape Shore dog, is still young but is skilled and strong with a lot of exploring to do. Watching him bound around the backcountry or swimming behind Justin Barbour's raft, you just know that he is ready to go on a very long adventure! Best of all, he carries a famous name, that of Saku Koivu, the long-ago captain of the Montreal Canadiens. Together with his owner, Justin, Saku is going to cross from Robinsons in western Newfoundland to Cape Broyle, where the province's eastern shor …

Our Future
Young people from across the globe are raising awareness about what issues matter to them most and are working to protect the future that we all share. American Jaelun Parkerson kneels with his football teammates during the national anthem to protest racial injustice. Canadian Autumn Peltier spoke in front of the United Nations to raise awareness about water pollution Melati Wijsen from Indonesia started working at twelve-years-old to convince her government to ban plastic bags. And Tiassa Mutun …

The Brave Princess and Me
In 1943, the Second World War is raging, and the Nazis have taken control of most of Europe - including Athens, where Princess Alice of Greece lives. Princess Alice is kind and accepting of different types of people. Something the Nazis are not. Born deaf, she knows what it is like to be discriminated against. With the arrival of the Nazis, all the Jews living in Greece are in danger, including young Tilde Cohen and her mother. On the run, they must find a safe place to hide. When they arrive, u …

Clara Humble and the Not-So-Super Powers
Clara Humble may seem like your average fourth-grader who doesn’t look before she leaps, but she has a secret: she thinks she might have superpowers. Which is convenient, because things aren’t going so well for Clara. Students from rival R. R. Reginald are moving into her school for the term, and Clara’s favorite neighbor, Momo, is moving to a faraway retirement home.
Together with her best friend, Bradley, the winsome and overconfident Clara becomes convinced that her knack for making liq …

The Girl Who Rode a Shark
An inspiring biographical collection celebrating the adventurousness and ingenuity of girls and women around the world.
Now more than ever, the world is recognizing how strong women and girls are. How strong? In the early 1920s, Inuit expeditioner Ada Blackjack survived for two years as a castaway on an uninhabited island in the Arctic Ocean before she was finally rescued. And she’s just one example.
The Girl Who Rode a Shark: And Other Stories of Daring Women is a rousing collection of biograph …

When you take something from the earth you must always give something back.
From the Kwantlen First Nation village of Squa’lets comes the tale of Th’owxiya, an old and powerful spirit that inhabits a feast dish of tempting, beautiful foods from around the world. But even surrounded by this delicious food, Th’owxiya herself craves only the taste of children. When she catches a hungry mouse named Kw’at’el stealing a piece of cheese from her dish, she threatens to devour Kw’at’el’s w …
Th’owxiya Whorl
Actor 4: Th’owxiya was taken from the great forest
Now she rests here in the spirit world for all to see
Such beauty in her eyes and mouth
Sasq’ets: But beware!
Beware of her mouth
For she likes the taste of humans
She likes to eat children
Beware of her mouth!
Yes, Th’owxiya is always hungry
The great Th’owxiya can get very angry
I must prepare a feast
I must prepare a feast or else
I must prepare a feast
Or else
She will eat me!
Yes, she will eat me!
The great Th’owxiya will dine upon me
We do not want that
No, I do not want to be eaten
I must prepare the feast
Or, she will eat me!
I do not want to be eaten!
Do you want to be eaten? . . . No I didn’t think so
Have you seen Th’owxiya eat?
She has giant teeth and she spits fire!
And she burned my backside!
There must be food for Th’owxiya to eat!
If not, she will not sleep
She will not sleep
She will not sleep
She will not sleep
She must have tasty foods
I must prepare them
She likes them warm
She likes them tasty
Sasq’ets finishes her work around Th’owxiya and moves off stage to watch with the others. Kw’at’el enters through the house.
Kw’at’el: The spirit world!
Kw’at’el goes to the large whorl on the floor stage right and looks at the painted images.
Look at the beautiful pictures. They are the spirits of the Kwantlen people. There is a sun, two moons, the Raven, two Spirit Bears, and two Salmon. In the Kwantlen language, Raven is Sqeweqs, Bear is Spa:th and Salmon is Stheqi. These spirits shall help me in my journey for food. Oh, and I am Kw’at’el. Can you guess what I am?
Kids: Turkey? Rat? Fox? Mouse?
Kw’at’el: . . . Right! Mouse!
I am so hungry. In my world, food is very hard to come by, but the spirit world has wonderful foods. The ancestors say there is a Great Spirit by the name of Th’owxiya. Some ancestors say she is a cannibal, which means she likes to eat people. Mostly she likes to eat children.
The ancestors also say that Th’owxiya keeps tasty foods from all parts of the earth inside her belly and her mouth. If you are sly enough, the ancestors say you can borrow food from her. I am Kw’at’el and I am not afraid of this Th’owxiya.
This cannibal woman. This basket ogress of the spirit world. Oh, I am sooo hungry. Let me show you how I “borrow” food from the great Th’owxiya.
Kw’at’el scurries towards Th’owxiya. As Kw’at’el gets closer to her, he slows down and begins to creep ever so closer to her mouth, where a tasty piece of cheese is . . . Kw’at’el inches closer, then reaches ever so slowly into her mouth and pulls out a piece of cheese. Just as he stuffs the piece of cheese into his mouth, Sasq’ets begins to move frantically. She runs around Th’owxiya trying to figure out what has happened and which piece of food is missing. Thunder is heard and Th’owxiya begins to laugh and then speak.
Th’owxiya: I smell Kw’at’el. Is that you, Kw’at’el?
Kw’at’el does not move. Sasq’ets comes up behind him and he begins to sniff him. Kw’at’el just stands there with his mouth stuffed with cheese.
It is you, Kw’at’el. My eyes are not what they used to be. Sasq’ets is tired and lazy. She does not protect my food the way she used to. If she is not careful one day I may eat her for dessert. Now, Kw’at’el, why do you steal food from my mouth?
Kw’at’el speaks with the cheese still stuffed in his mouth.
Kw’at’el: What food? There is nothing in my mouth.
Th’owxiya: Not anymore. Sasq’ets, take the cheese out of his mouth and put it back into mine.
Sasq’ets takes the cheese from Kw’at’el’s mouth and puts it back into Th’owxiya’s, but not before taking a small piece for herself.
Now, Kw’at’el, you know the penalty for stealing food from my mouth. Anyone caught stealing food from my mouth shall be eaten along with all of their family. Sasq’ets, prepare Kw’at’el and gather his family so I may eat them, too!
Kw’at’el: But surely I can repay you for my little mistake. Name it and I shall do it!
Th’owxiya: Ummmm . . . for you and your family not to be eaten, you would need to bring to me two children that I could eat. If you do not bring me two children by the time the second moon rises above the great mountain, then I shall eat you and your family with a nice . . . sauce . . . prepared for me by Sasq’ets. It has been a long time since I’ve eaten Kw’at’el for dinner. Do not think that I will not have my wish! Kw’at’el, you have until the second moon rises above the great mountain to find me two children. Go now!!
Thunder is heard as Th’owxiya laughs. Sasq’ets dances around Kw’at’el as the laughter and thunder fade away.
Kw’at’el: Ohh, What must I do? . . . Ahhhhh!
He chases his tail then stops.
I do not know of any children in the spirit world. Where would I find children?
Sasq’ets: You must look in the forest
You must go to the trees
They say the forest hides children
Yes, this is what they say
They say the forest is full
Yes, it is full with children
These children are the trees
Yes, this is what they say
Kw’at’el: I have no time to go to the forest. I must get back and protect my family.
Sasq’ets: Th’owxiya has sent for your family
She will have them
She will have them for dinner
You have until the second moon rises
You have until the second moon touches the night
And rises above the great mountain
Go, Kw’at’el!
Go to the forest
There you will find trees
And these trees are the children
Kw’at’el: I am going back to my house. My children need me to protect them. I am not afraid of Th’owxiya!
Thunder. Kw’at’el jumps and scurries to his house, looks back one last time and then exits.
Sasq’ets: I must prepare the sauce
Yes, the sauce
I almost forgot!
Get the sauce ready
Get it ready or else
Or else I will be the sauce!
Th’owxiya’s laughter is heard as the sound of thunder begins to rumble. Actor 3 stops spinning the spindle and changes the whorl.