This illustrated nonfiction picture book by child psychologist Dr. Jillian Roberts introduces children to the topics of bodies, body safety and body image through a conversation-based story that begins with an observation at the community pool.
Modesty, privacy and boundaries are discussed, along with how self-image is formed and how some people are more sensitive than others—sometimes at different stages in their lives. Relevant themes around body shaming, body positivity and self-esteem building are explored, with a final call to action empowering children to build their own confidence and speak up when something doesn't feel right.
“I love this book so much. Whatever grade level your students are in, this is a perfect book to share in a maturation class and a good refresher for an adult about how to talk to students about these issues.”
"The message professes that all bodies are beautiful."
“Will come in handy as kids develop greater awareness of their bodies within the context of larger society...its information can help children better understand situations and feelings about their bodies.”
“A cheery and buoyant introduction to timely and imperative topics for young readers; especially useful in a guidance setting.”
“The question/answer format of this book and the other books in this series make this book an excellent resource for classrooms or home libraries.”
“A good addition for libraries and families with young children who are still learning that their bodies are their own.”
"Frankness and honesty are hallmarks of this series, and Under Our Clothes: Our First Talk About Our Bodies is a useful resource to facilitate important conversations. Highly Recommended."