Top Grade Fall 2013 Selections (K-8)
Created by Top Grade on September 13, 2013
Down To Earth
Kids all over the world help collect seeds, weed gardens, milk goats and herd ducks.
From a balcony garden with pots of lettuce to a farm with hundreds of cows, kids can pitch in to bring the best and freshest products to their families' tables—and to market. Loaded with accessible information about the many facets of farming, Down to Earth takes a close look at everything from what an egg carton tells you to why genetic diversity matters—even to kids.

When Children Play
An orphaned girl in a Ugandan refugee camp. A former child soldier in the Sudan. When survival is the priority, something as simple and normal as play seems to be a luxury that these children can do without. But Right to Play is changing that perception. Founded in 2000 by Norwegian Olympic medalist Johann Olav Koss, Right to Play begins at the grassroots community level, using sports and games to teach at-risk and underprivileged children around the world important values like self-esteem, empa …

Brovko's Amazing Journey
Join Brovko on a wild adventureOall the way to a brand new world! Can Brovko's family really be leaving him behind as they go to make a new life in Canada? 12-year-old Andrei is furious and upset at having to leave his wonderful companion behind n and Brovko isn't happy either. He tries to make the best of life with a new family, but it soon becomes clear what he has to do: find a way to get to Canada himself and be reunited with his true owner. With a little help from a mysterious hermit, Brovk …

Taking the Reins
A new life in Canada! What could be better? Plenty of land to farm and even gold to be found in the hills! WellOexcept Katherine's parents aren't farmers. Having spent everything on sailing from England to Canada and setting up their homestead, they're struggling to make ends meet. In fact, Katherine's going to have to sell her horse because the cost of keeping her is just too high. And as for Emma, the promise of gold is nothing but bad luck. Her father left her and her mother back inEngland wh …

Running Scared
Gregory loves numbers — they don't change and he can count on them, literally.
Numbers also keep Gregory's mind off his father who died in a car crash. Ever since, Gregory has not been able to return to the accident scene despite the fact that it lies directly on the way to school. It has become an obstacle of the heart and mind, a physical space that he avoids at all costs. But his new route to school holds other obstacles — even a big terrifying dog. So finally, when circumstances start to …

The Strange Gift of Gwendolyn Golden
This morning, I woke up on the ceiling …
So begins the strange story of Gwendolyn Golden. One perfectly ordinary day for no apparent reason, she wakes up floating around her room like one of her little brother’s Batman balloons.
Puberty is weird enough. Everyone already thinks she’s an oddball with anger issues because her father vanished in a mysterious storm one night when she was six. Then there are the mean, false rumours people are spreading about her at school. On top of all that, now …

The Hidden Agenda of Sigrid Sugden
A new novel in the award-winning Travis Keating/Prinny Murphy series.
Sigrid Sugden is a Shrike, a member of one of the toughest group of girls in school. They are experts at blackmail, extortion and bullying their terrorized classmates.
But one day, the Shrikes go too far. Sigrid realizes that their favourite victim, Prinny Murphy, is in real danger. She makes a decision that will save Prinny from danger but will turn the Shrikes anger and bullying against the former friend who betrayed them to …

Dial M for Morna
The anticipated second volume in Munday’s Silver Birch-nominated series
October Schwartz and her five deadest friends are back. The holiday season has descended upon the town of Sticksville like an eggnog rainstorm, but October has no time for candy canes or mistletoe. She’s busy dealing with an oddly pleasant new history teacher, her living friends’ new roles as high-school radio DJs, and two (!) new mysteries that need solving before the new year. October and her ghost friends are hot on …