Kids all over the world help collect seeds, weed gardens, milk goats and herd ducks. From a balcony garden with pots of lettuce to a farm with hundreds of cows, kids can pitch in to bring the best and freshest products to their families' tables—and to market. Loaded with accessible information about the many facets of farming, Down to Earth takes a close look at everything from what an egg carton tells you to why genetic diversity matters—even to kids.
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"Handsomely designed with many high-quality photographs...This could be useful as an introduction to food sources and the importance of local farms, and could inspire some to try their hand at growing or raising a thing or two."
"Packed with facts, colorful photographs, and personal narratives from the author...which adds flavor and authenticity to the text."
"A book that will help young readers see where their food really comes from, and to show them how other children of the world help run the farms that produce the food they need to live a healthy life."
"Connecting kids who may be more used to a supermarket than a farm with the production of their food is a challenge that Tate gamely takes on...Photographs of children all over the world helping with both produce and livestock provides an important piece to the puzzle, as does the dense saturation of interesting facts and typically detailed captions...With well-chosen variety of issues related to food—including genetic diversity, organic farming, food costs, sustenance, staple crops, multiple uses for livestock and their products, breeding, and marketing—the coverage of the book is vast, especially for only 48 pages."
"Packed with information about the many types of food grown and how domestic animals are raised around the world...The most interesting parts that spotlight children, however, are the inserts about the author's farm, Dark Creek Farm...[where] readers learn more personally engaging and specific information about aspects of food production which would favor roles for kids and which young readers could identify with...The greatest value in this book may be to change the perception of young readers still under the illusion that food comes from the nearest grocery store."
"[Footprints] feature accessible texts, appealing layouts, and global perspectives...Down to Earth investigates how youngsters help to produce, prepare, and distribute food...Engagingly written...[and] filled with fun facts and well-captioned photos that provide alluring glimpses into different cultures and locales...[An] inviting choice for informing and inspiring curious readers and world citizens."
"Laid out in an attractive manner with eye catching title fonts, subtitles and photographs that will hold the attention of any student...Provides plenty of straightforward information but it also forces students to read between the lines, think like a farmer, and realize the importance and value that farmers around the world possess. It could be used as a resource for a creative activity in which students plan a farm of their own."
"Well-researched, simply-expressed with supportive photographs...An excellent resource for students learning about the benefits of farming."
"The writing is good-spirited, not preachy or condescending...and there is enough practical material that nonfarm kids will be able to find fascinating...Informative, varied, entertaining, eye-catching—there's not much more you could ask for of this unaffected piece of work."