In a landscape of Canadian myth and magic, the fairy tale continues...
Dana of The Light-Bearer’s Daughter, now thirteen, has been in Canada for two years and she still hates it. There’s no magic! Life gets even worse for the depressed teen when she finds her gateway to Faerieâ”her only escape from the misery of grade 9â” mysteriously shattered. In a dream, her fairy mother tells her that all the portals to Faerie have been destroyed and that it’s up to Dana to find The Book of Dreamsâ”the key or secret that will re-open the worlds. The biggest surprise to Dana is that the magical book is to be found somewhere in Canada!
Can Dana quest in her new country the way she did in Ireland? Can Gwen of The Hunter’s Moon and Laurel of The Summer King protect her from the dark forces that seek to destroy her? And how does Jeanâ”a handsome fifteen-year-old Quebecois classmateâ”figure in the mysteries that are engulfing Dana and the world of Faerie?
From Cape Breton to Vancouver, from Baffin Island to southern Ontario, Dana discovers the spirits of her new land and finds that Canada is home to magic as frightening and wondrous as anything she left behind in Ireland.