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list price: $27.95
also available: Hardcover Paperback
category: True Crime
published: Sep 2015
publisher: Greystone Books Ltd

That Lonely Section of Hell

The Botched Investigation of a Serial Killer Who Almost Got Away

by Lorimer Shenher

tagged: serial killers, personal memoirs, law enforcement

An ex-police detective’s searing personal account of sexism, racism, and mishandling in the investigation of missing and murdered women.


In That Lonely Section of Hell, police detective Lori Shenher describes her role in Vancouver’s infamous Missing and Murdered Women Investigation and her years-long struggle with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of her work on the case. From her first assignment in 1998 to explore an increase in the number of missing women to the harrowing 2002 interrogation of convicted serial killer Robert Pickton, Shenher tells a story of massive police failure—failure of the police to use the information about Pickton available to them, failure to understand the dark world of drug addiction and sex work, and failure to save more women from their killer. That Lonely Section of Hell passionately pursues the deeper truths behind the causes of this tragedy and the myriad ways the system failed to protect vulnerable women.

About the Author

Lorimer Shenher

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