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list price: $16.95
also available: eBook Audiobook
category: Children's Nonfiction
published: Oct 2011
publisher: Second Story Press

Shannen and the Dream for a School

by Janet Wilson

tagged: politics & government, native canadian, social activists, native american

The true story of Shannen Koostachin and the people of Attawapiskat First Nation, a Northern Cree community, who have been fighting for a new school since 1979 when a fuel spill contaminated their original school building. Shannen's fight took her all the way to Parliament Hill and was taken up by children around the world. Shannen’s dream continues today with the work of the Shannen's Dream organization and those everywhere who are fighting for the rights of Aboriginal children.

About the Author

Janet Wilson

JANET WILSON has illustrated children's books since 1990, with more than forty books to her credit. Although her realistic style is consistent, her choice of medium varies widely. She works at developing her skills through painting and drawing from life whenever possible.
Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
9 to 13
5 to 8
Reading age:
9 to 12
  • Short-listed, Silver Birch Award
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Short-listed, Red Cedar Award
  • Winner, First Nation Communities Read
  • Short-listed, ForeWord Book of the Year Award
Editorial Reviews

Shannen was truly a young lady to be admired and emulated.

— Good News Toronto

In this fictionalized and well-written account of Shannen's quest for justice for Aboriginal schooling Janet Wilson gives voice to the issue.

— Sal's Fiction Addiction

This readable, inspiring story is thoroughly engaging. It’s both informative and politically rousing; even more precious than these qualities, perhaps, is its portrait of a Northern family and community.

— The Toronto Star

Janet Wilson has written a powerful account of the true story of one Aboriginal girl's fight for safe and comfortable schools for all children.

— CM Magazine

This book should be mandatory reading material for middle school students. It is a gentle introduction to the way in which Canada has failed to live up to its treaty obligations.

— Another Step to Take blog

The many non-fiction text features (photographs, captions, quotes, excerpts from newspaper articles, maps, diagrams, fact boxes, a timeline, glossary) plus a lively writing style make this an accessible book for a variety of young readers.

— Canadian Teacher Magazine

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Top  Grade
Librarian review

Shannen and the Dream for a School

The true story of thirteen-year-old Shannen Koostachin, who fought for the rights of the children in her community of Attawpiskat First Nation.

Organized in twenty chapters and accompanied by photographs, this nonfiction text tells the true story of Shannen Koostachin and her classmates’ efforts to get the Canadian government to replace their contaminated elementary school in Attawapiskat First Nation in northern Ontario. Teachers and librarians can use this book to bring the definitions of perseverance, equity, and justice to life. Share this book with students to show them the power young people have to raise their voices, get organized and fight for what is right.

Also available: Severn and the Day She Silenced the World by Janet Wilson

Author available for school visits.

Source: Association of Canadian Publishers. Top Grade Selection 2016.

Association of Book Publishers of BC
Librarian review

Shannen and the Dream for a School

Shannen Koostachin was an Aboriginal girl who had a dream for a safe and proper education for all children and youth in her community of Attawapiskat, Ontario. In 2008, at the age of 13, she challenged the Canadian Government for reneging on promises that had been made to their community to build a school to replace the one that had been contaminated by a fuel leak in 1979. This dynamic young activist was killed in a car accident in 2010. The people of Attawapiskat are still waiting for a school, but progress has been made because of Shannen’s belief that it’s “possible for children to create a better world”. A timeline of Aboriginal History in Canada and Glossary of Aboriginal items and Cree words are included.

This book is a First Nation Communities Read 2012-2013 Feature Book Selection.

Source: The Association of Book Publishers of BC. Canadian Aboriginal Books for Schools. 2012-2013.

Canadian Children's  Book Centre
Librarian review

Shannen and the Dream for a School (A Kids’ Power Book)

Attawapiskat had nothing but a few portables where their children attended school. Shannen Koostachin was one of those children and she, along with her friends and community, decided to do something about it. They started off by making a YouTube video about the poor condition of the portables and travelled to Ottawa to speak to politicians, telling them they were failing First Nations children. Their story inspired children across the nation.

Source: The Canadian Children’s Book Centre. Best Books for Kids & Teens. Fall, 2012.

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