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list price: $17.95
also available: eBook Paperback
category: Children's Fiction
published: Oct 2017
publisher: Groundwood Books Ltd

Once in a Blue Moon

illustrated by Danielle Daniel

tagged: poetry (see also stories in verse), environment

A book that will inspire readers to connect more deeply with the natural world, from the award winning author of Sometimes I Feel Like A Fox.

Inspired by the expression “once in a blue moon,” Danielle Daniel has created a book of short poems, each one describing a rare or special experience that turns an ordinary day into a memorable one. She describes the thrill of seeing a double rainbow, the Northern Lights or a shooting star as well as quieter pleasures such as spotting a turtle basking in the sun or a family of ducks waddling across the road.

In accessible language and delightful, naïve images, Once in a Blue Moon celebrates the magical moments that can be found in the beauty and wonders of nature.

With the same simple yet sophisticated design as Danielle’s award-winning picture book Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox, this book is a very accessible and inviting introduction to poetry for young readers.

Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts:

Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).

With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).

Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.

Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.

Explain how specific aspects of a text's illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting)

About the Author

Danielle Daniel

Danielle Daniel est une artiste métisse multidisciplinaire. Elle a écrit Parfois je suis un renard pour encourager son jeune fils à découvrir ses racines autochtones. Enseignante pendant de nombreuses années, Danielle travaille maintenant comme professeur d'art à temps partiel au Canada et aux États-Unis. Elle habite dans le nord de l'Ontario.

Danielle Daniel is an author and artist whose first picture book, Parfois je suis un renard, won the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award and was shortlisted for the First Nation Communities Read Award for aboriginal literature. A former elementary school teacher, Danielle is pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing through the University of British Columbia. Danielle lives in Little Current, Ontario.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
4 to 7
k to 2
Reading age:
4 to 7

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