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list price: $48
category: Social Science
published: Sep 2021
publisher: Anvil Press

Heroines Revisited

Photographs by Lincoln Clarkes

by (photographer) Lincoln Clarkes

tagged: urban, canadian, portraits

Heroines Revisited is a large format follow-up volume to the original Heroines: Photographs by Lincoln Clarkes that was released by Anvil in 2002. This new edition features over 150 portraits accompanied by three new critical essays that contextualize the five-year photo project and the controversial body of work.

The Heroines Project is an epic photo documentary of the addicted women that were living and working in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside in the late '90s and early 2000s. University of Western Ontario professor Kelly Wood writing in Philosophy of Photography states, "Heroines forced viewers and respondents to take sides in an uneasy ethical dialogue that does not acknowledge the series' uncanny ability to perform against viewers' expectations of certain visual categories and discusses how these expectations might preclude photography's ability to enact or incite political change."

Essays by Kelly Wood, Paul Ugor, and Melora Koepke; Interview with the artist by Theresa Norris.

About the Author

Lincoln Clarkes

Contributor Notes

Lincoln Clarkes is an award-winning photographer who was originally a painter before refocusing his efforts on fashion and portraiture while living in London and Paris. Portraits include Debbie Harry, Helmut Newton, Noam Chomsky, Patti Smith, Vivienne Westwood, Michael Moore, and Oliver Stone. Clarkes' photographic works have been presented in numerous solo and group exhibitions at galleries and museums in Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, and Toronto. Several film and television documentaries and scholarly essays have explored his practise. Lincoln's photographs have been featured in Vice, LA Times, The Guardian, The Observer, Saturday Night, and Cosmopolitan UK. He currently operates between Vancouver, Toronto, Detroit and London.

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