9781554537471_cover Enlarge Cover
5 of 5
1 rating
list price: $10.95
also available: Hardcover
category: Children's Nonfiction
published: Apr 2012
publisher: Kids Can Press

Big Green Book of the Big Blue Sea, The

by Helaine Becker, illustrated by Willow Dawson

tagged: environmental conservation & protection, water (oceans, lakes, etc.), environmental science & ecosystems

Based on the idea that knowledge is power, The Big Green Book of the Big Blue Sea shows how the ocean works and why this immense ecosystem needs our protection. Experiments using everyday materials help explain scientific concepts, such as why the ocean is salty, how temperature affects water density and why fish don't get waterlogged.

A focus on pollution and other ecological hazards raises awareness. Young scientists will gain a hands-on understanding of how “booms” clean oil spills and how a garbage patch roughly twice the size of Texas came to exist in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Newsy sidebars bring readers up to date on efforts to combat environmental hazards --- such as the use of oysters to help squelch pollution in urban waterways. An ideal tool for classroom use or the perfect way to spend a rainy day, The Big Green Book of the Big Blue Sea is an essential part of any science library.

About the Authors

Helaine Becker is the bestselling author of more than ninety books for children and young adults.

Willow Dawson is an award winning graphic novelist and illustrator whose books include Ghost Limb, Hyena in Petticoats, Lila and Ecco's Do-It-Yourself Comics Club, No Girls Allowed with Susan Hughes, and The Big Green Book of the Big Blue Sea with Helaine Becker. Dawson teaches Creating Comics and Graphic Novels at the University of Toronto's School of Continuing Studies. She also teaches sequential art and scriptwriting to youth across Toronto.
Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
8 to 12
3 to 7
Reading age:
8 to 12
  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award
  • Short-listed, Information Book Award, Children's Literature Roundtables of Canada
  • Winner, Best Children's Books of the Year, Bank Street Children's Book Committee
  • Short-listed, Red Cedar Award, BC Young Reader's Choice
  • Winner, Science in Society Book Award, Canadian Science Writers' Association
  • Winner, Best Books for Kids & Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre
  • Winner, Lane Anderson Award, Fitzhenry Family Foundation


Canadian Children's  Book Centre
Librarian review

The Big Green Book of the Big Blue Sea

Author Helaine Becker discusses the many ways the ocean is changing and how those transformations will affect life in the ocean and on land. She looks at the creatures that live in the oceans and what people are doing to protect these bodies of water. The games and experiments allow children to roll up their sleeves and get wet as they learn what they can do to help protect the Earth’s oceans.

Source: The Canadian Children’s Book Centre. Best Books for Kids & Teens. Spring, 2012.

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