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BC Books From the Mainland/Southwest
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BC Books From the Mainland/Southwest

Created by ABPBC on May 21, 2015
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tagged: Lower Mainland, BC
Books written by authors living in BC's Lower Mainland.
Liquor, Lust, and the Law

Liquor, Lust, and the Law

The Story of Vancouver's Legendary Penthouse Nightclub
by Aaron Chapman
tagged : social history, western provinces

BC Book Prize finalist

Few Vancouver nightspots evoke such a fabled history as the Penthouse Nightclub. The after-hours watering hole for the famous and infamous, the Penthouse was opened in 1947 by brothers Joe, Ross, Mickey, and Jimmy Filippone and soon became the place to see and be seen in Vancouver in the 1950s and '60s. Acts like Sammy Davis Jr, Nat King Cole, and Duke Ellington regularly performed on the Penthouse stage, and the venue was one of the few in town not only to welcome African …

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Ting Ting

Ting Ting

by Kristie Hammond
also available: Paperback
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Trouble in the Trees

Trouble in the Trees

by Yolanda Ridge
also available: eBook
tagged : self-esteem & self-reliance, friendship, camping & outdoor activities

Eleven-year-old Bree is happiest when she's climbing the trees at Cedar Grove, her urban townhouse complex. She's the best climber around, even better than an older boy, Tyler, who drives her crazy with his competitiveness. When Ethan, a younger boy, falls from a tree and hurts his elbow, the neighborhood council bans all tree-climbing in Cedar Grove. If Bree chooses to ignore the bylaw, her family could be kicked out of their home, so she vows to change the rule instead. After giving a presenta …

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I sat on a branch near the trunk and let my feet swing freely below me. It felt good to be surrounded by big green leaves. I heard a bee buzz by my ear, lured by the sweet smell of tree sap. It was one of those cloudy Vancouver days where the gray sky seemed close enough to reach up and touch. The clouds were like a blanket that warmed the air without any help from the sun. I felt like I could hide away on this branch forever.

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George Bowering

George Bowering

Bright Circles of Colour
by Eva-Marie Kröller
also available: eBook
tagged : literary, canadian

This first book-length study of Bowering explores the relationship between his work and the arts.

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Sweetness from Ashes

Sweetness from Ashes

by Marlyn Horsdal
also available: eBook
tagged : literary

Set partially in Vancouver, partially on a farm in rural Ontario and partially in West Africa, Sweetness from Ashes is a novel about family in its various forms. When Sheila, Jenny and Chris decide to respect a deceased relative’s wishes, and return the ashes to the family farm, the three begin a journey that takes them from their present-day lives in Vancouver to a deeper discovery of their roots and the family’s past. In Ontario, they meet their cousins and start to reconcile with a buried …

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Road Block

Road Block

by Yolanda Ridge
also available: Paperback
tagged : self-esteem & self-reliance, country life

In this sequel to Trouble in the Trees, it's the end of grade six and Bree plans to spend the summer hanging around her townhouse complex in Vancouver, climbing trees with her friends. But her parents have other plans for her.

Bree is going to Ontario to stay with her grandma who lives on a farm "in the middle of nowhere." A farm that is about to be destroyed by a superhighway unless Bree can stop it. Convinced that saving the land will end her grandma's unhappiness, Bree tries to rally cousins a …

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My view from the top of Gnarly included the road at the end of the long lane, congested with cars even though it was early afternoon. Nowhere close to rush hour. The road was on the map, of course. It had probably been a horse track back when the land was being used as a cemetery. Soon to be replaced by a superhighway, unless I could do something to stop it.

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52 Best Day Trips from Vancouver52 Best Day Trips from Vancouver 52 Best Day Tr

52 Best Day Trips from Vancouver52 Best Day Trips from Vancouver 52 Best Day Tr

by Jack Christie
tagged : western provinces, reference


The quintessential West Coast guidebook from the region's outdoor expert, revised and updated.

The first time Jack Christie pulled together his favourite day trips from Vancouver into a single book, a success story was born. Now revised and updated, 52 Best Day Trips will enrich the West Coast experience for many new adventurers. From Delta to Whistler, the North Shore to the Fraser Valley, here are the best views, the best biking, the best beaches, and the best family outings.

The third edition …

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The Salish People: Volume II

The Salish People: Volume II

The Squamish and the Lillooet
by Charles Hill-Tout, edited by Ralph Maud
also available: eBook
tagged : cultural, native americans, british columbia (bc), indigenous studies, non-classifiable

Charles Hill-Tout was born in England in 1858 and came to British Columbia in 1891. A pioneer settler at Abbotsford in the Fraser Valley, he devoted many years studying the Salish and publishing in the scholarly periodicals of the day. He was honoured as president of the Anthropological Section of the Royal Society of Canada and as a fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain. In The Salish People, his field reports are collected for the first time.

In The Salish People each v …

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