BC Books From the Cariboo
Created by ABPBC on May 21, 2015
Barkerville Gold
This time the trio is in historic Barkerville, a gold rush town with a secret.
Rusty, Katie and Sheila are sent out of town with Rusty's grandparents to keep them out of trouble. After witnessing what they take to be a ghost in the night, the three friends find themselves involved in a mystery from the past that seems to have a few other people interested as well. New information has come to light about a fortune in missing gold, a centuries-old curse and a missing miner. While the three budding …

The Last 300 Miles
Most of this novel is based on historical fact, including the actual names of rivers, mountains and towns — a few of which were christened by those who actually constructed the telegraph line. By early 1866, the overland telegraph line had been built to Fort Fraser, east of Prince George. Exploration had been conducted to a point a few miles north of Kispiox Village, near Hazelton, one of the Gitxsan villages currently under land claim negotiations. Explorers had been sent northward out of For …

Jacob's Prayer
In 1974 Lorne Dufour moved to Alkali Lake Reserve, a Shuswap community near Williams Lake in British Columbia, to help reopen the local elementary school. Like many First Nation communities across Canada, Alkali Lake had been ravaged by decades of residential schools and forced religion. Colonialism had robbed them of their language and culture and had left a legacy of abuse and alcoholism. But in 1972, Chief Andy Chelsea and his wife Phyllis took it upon themselves to lead their community on a …

Central Beauty
Central Beauty: Wildflowers and Flowering Shrubs of the Southern Interior of British Columbia is a follow-up to three previous volumes on wildflowers written by Neil Jennings and published by Rocky Mountain Books. It is being published at the same time as Coastal Beauty Wildflowers and Flowering Shrubs of Coastal British Columbia and Vancouver Island, making a set of five books in the series.
All five books include exceptional photographs and interesting information about each plant. For ease o …

Gerry, Get Your Gun
Gerry Bracewell has lived in the Chilcotin Valley for over seventy-five years. She helped pioneer the valley's early school system and was an advocate for the school district until 1974. Gerry worked and wrote for the Williams Lake Tribune for many years while continuing to run her ranch and raise four children. For five decades, Gerry was a sought-after guide in the Chilcotin. In 2004, she was inducted into the BC Cowboy Hall of Fame as a Pioneer Rancher.
After Sonia Cornwall's father died in 1939, her mother inherited the Onward Ranch and a huge debt. To make the ranch viable, a twenty-year-old Sonia traded paintbrush for pitchfork, labouring alongside the male ranch hands. But after marrying Hugh Cornwall in 1947, Sonia had time for painting once again. She learned techniques from some of Canada's most celebrated artists who came to visit the Onward Ranch, and later her home at the Jones Ranch, from Peter Aspell, Mollly Bobak and Jack Hardman t …

A Place Called Sorry
Growing up in the 1930s, Adeline Beale knows little of the outside world or the looming shadows of a second world war. Addie-as her grandfather Chauncey Beynon Beale affectionately calls her- believes that everything she could ever want or need is to be found on his cattle ranch, the place her family calls home, or in the little town twelve bush miles away, a place called Sorry. After tragedy strikes her family, Addie holds her sorrows close to her heart. Only later will she learn that her grand …

British Columbia and Yukon Gold Hunters
Although the 1848 discovery of gold in California was the first bonanza to trigger an invasion of migrants to North America’s Pacific Coast, it was relatively short-lived. Soon, grander findings farther north led to an even greater influx of gold hunters. In 1851, a twenty-seven-ounce gold nugget was found on Haida Gwaii, ushering in fifty years of gold fever that brought a wave of Californians to the Fraser River and then farther inland to the gold-laden creeks of the Cariboo.
In this masterfu …